Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday mornings 10:00-12:00 or Thursday Evenings 6:00-8:00
HHC Fellowship Hall
Spring 2025 Study:
Romans: Grace Abounds (Part 2)
(This session will run from February 4th-April 17th)

Click HERE to Register
General Information:
Ladies (ages 14+) are invited to join our Women’s Bible Study at Here’s Hope Church. Participants may choose to attend either our Tuesday morning (10:00-12:00) or Thursday evening (6:00-8:00) classes in the HHC Fellowship Hall.
We desire to see our participants grow in their love for God and for one another. Our studies are specifically intended to nurture these relationships by building Bible literacy in an active learning environment.
We seek to help our participants grow in Bible literacy through individual homework, group discussion, and teaching. Participants should expect to spend between 1-3 hours each week completing homework. Our weekly meetings are used to discuss our homework and to receive teaching over it.
Typically we will alternate between Old Testament and New Testament studies. We roughly follow the academic calendar, taking a break from our studies during the winter holidays and summer months.
Most of our studies require the purchase of a workbook.
Past studies include:
-“Romans: Grace Abounds, Part 1” by TVC Resources (Fall 2024)
-“2 Samuel: A King Unlike the Nations” by TVC Resources (Spring 2024)
-“1 Samuel: A King Unlike the Nations” by TVC Resources (Fall 2023)
-“From Beginning to Forever” by Elizabeth Woodson (Spring 2023)
-“From Beginning to Forever” by Elizabeth Woodson (Spring 2023)
-“Blessed” by Nancy Guthrie (Fall 2022)
-“Remember Your Joy” by Courtney Doctor and Melissa Kruger (Spring 2022, Session 2)
-“Engaging God’s Word: Job” by Engage Bible Studies (Spring 2022, Session 1)
-“Better: A Study of Hebrews” by Jen Wilkin (Fall 2021, Session 2)
-“Engaging God’s Word: Job” by Engage Bible Studies (Spring 2022, Session 1)
-“Better: A Study of Hebrews” by Jen Wilkin (Fall 2021, Session 2)
-“Sermon on the Mount” by Jen Wilkin (Fall 2021, Session 1)